Camps2 player Ryan Carter won his fifth event out of seven on Saturday in the Camps Bar Pool Challenge.  Carter eased through to the semis where he met Camps1 player George Smith.  Smith took the opening frame, but Carter came back well to win 3-1.  The other half of the draw saw Iain Jones progress to the semi's thanks to impressive wins over Des Mcleod & Stuart Mckenzie.  Jones win over Mckenzie included a fantastic 8ball clearance.  Blackstairs1 captain Perry Campbell played exceptional in this tournament.  He beat Harry Candeland 2-0 in the opening round with back to back total clearances, and then went on to beat Mountain Dew player Donald Manson in the quarters.  Campbell & Jones then faced off in the semi's & it was the Blackstairs player who grabbed a 3-1 win which included yet another total clearance from Campbell.  Perry continued his great form in the final as he went 2-1 ahead against Carter.  Ryan then got the better of Campbell tactically in the next two frames to clinch a 3-2 win to stretch his lead at the top of the table in his attempts to win the Camps Bar Challenge Shield.

Ryan Carter - 54pts

George Smith - 17pts 

Bruce Honeyman - 12pts
Perry Campbell - 10pts 

James Riach - 7pts 

Alan Stewart - 5pts

Shane Honeyman - 5pts

Liam More - 5pts

Andrew Aitken - 2pts

Des Mcleod - 6pts

Andrew Mcleod - 2pts

Bruce Davidson - 2pts

Charlie Ablett - 2pts  

Colin Banks - 2pts 

Iain Jones - 2pts